A developing baby inside a woman’s uterus

Vagina and Embryo

The fertilized egg travels down the fallopian tube into the uterus. When it gets out of the tube and attaches to the wall of the uterus, then the woman has become pregnant. The egg then starts dividing many times to form new living cells. This can develop into an embryo and then into a fetus, which is a developing baby inside the woman’s uterus.

A 4-week-old baby is the size of a pea.

baby and pea

About 4 weeks after conception (when the egg and sperm meet and the egg is fertilized), the baby is just the size of a pea. It is small but already has a head with a brain and little bumps that will be arms, legs, and eyes. It even has a beating heart that pumps blood!

An 8-week-old baby is the size of a walnut.

Baby and walnut

By about 8 weeks after conception (when the sperm and egg meet), the developing baby is the size of a walnut. The ears, eyes, nose have taken shape. The arms and legs have formed, the hands have fingers, and the feet have toes.

The early months of pregnancy are very important. During that time, a baby’s brain, eyes, ears, nose, legs, arms, and hands are being formed. Often, a woman does not know she is pregnant during this time. It’s important for a woman to plan a pregnancy so that she can get her body healthy before she gets pregnant.

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