
How fast does an embryo develop?

Only 4 weeks after conception, what has already begun to develop?

1. Heart

2. Brain

3. Eyes

4. Arms

5. All of the above


All the above!

In fact, the heart is beating and pumping blood.

Remember, if a woman has sex, there is always some chance of getting pregnant. If she plans to have sex and is not ready to have a baby, she should use a birth control method. There is also something called emergency contraception, also known as “EC” or “Plan B.” See Resources for more information.

It is important to talk with a doctor or nurse if you smoke or have medical problems, like high blood pressure, heart disease, or damage to blood vessels or nerves. These things may make you more likely to have side effects from certain birth control methods.

How do women get pregnant?

During sex, a man may squirt sperm into the woman’s vagina. The sperm swim up into the uterus and fallopian tubes. If there is an egg there, a sperm might enter the egg. That’s called fertilization and it is when a baby’s life begins.

A sperm and egg meet

Sperm and egg
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