Overweight women who lose weight before they get pregnant are more likely to have healthy pregnancies.

Why should I plan my future pregnancies?

It is important for a woman to be healthy before she gets pregnant. Being healthy before getting pregnant means that she and her baby will have the best chance of being healthy. It is important to have your blood sugar checked before you get pregnant, so that it can be treated before you get pregnant. Some women have high blood sugar and don’t even know it.

Before you decide to get pregnant, it’s a good idea to get your blood sugar checked. Some women have high blood sugar and don’t even know it. It is important for your health and your baby’s health to make sure your blood sugar is normal before you get pregnant. If a woman has high blood sugar or diabetes before her pregnancy, it can affect the baby’s developing brain, heart, spinal cord, and bones.

If you have high blood sugar, diabetes before you get pregnant, or get diabetes during the first three months of your pregnancy, this is called preexisting diabetes. If you get high blood sugar or diabetes during the pregnancy after the first three months, this is called gestational diabetes.

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