Family Planning Methods

Forms Advantages Disadvantages

(Not having sex)

100% effective. That means NO pregnancy

100% safe

No sexually transmitted infections

Dual Method Protection

This means using a condom with spermicide AND hormonal birth control or IUD

99% effective. That means less than 1 pregnancy in every 100 women who use this method each year

Prevents sexually transmitted infections

Can make it hard to control blood sugar

They are often used incorrectly because women have to remember to use them on a certain schedule and the couple has to remember to use a condom also.

Condoms sometimes break

Long Acting Reversible Contraception


  • Hormonal
  • Copper

Implant under your skin

99% effective. That means less than 1 pregnancy in every 100 women who use this method each year

Don’t need to take something daily

Lasts for years

May make periods lighter or stop altogether

Needs office visit to insert and remove

Does NOT protect against sexually transmitted infections

Can cause spotting/bleeding between periods

Hormonal Birth Control

Combination hormones
(estrogen+ progesterone)

Progesterone only

99% effective if used as directed

91% effective the way most people use them. That means about 9 pregnancies in every 100 women who use this method each year.

May make periods lighter

Can help with acne and extra facial and body hair

Can make it hard to control blood sugar

Does NOT protect against sexually transmitted infections

Often used incorrectly because women have to remember to use them on a certain schedule. When used exactly as the doctor says, only 2 women out of 100 gets pregnant.

Other Birth Control Options

Condom with spermicide (a fluid that kills sperm)

98% effective if used as directed

85% effective the way most people use them. That means about 15 pregnancies in every 100 women who use this method each year

Prevents sexually transmitted infections

Condoms are often used incorrectly. If they were used correctly and did not break, only 2 women out of 100 would get pregnant.

Condoms sometimes break

Withdrawal (when a guy pulls his penis out of the vagina before the sperm leaves his body)

Fertility awareness (using a calendar to know when during the month you are most likely to get pregnant if you have sex)

85% or less effective the way most people use them. That means about 15 or more pregnancies in every 100 women who use this method each year

Often used incorrectly

Does NOT protect against sexually transmitted infections

No birth control

No advantages

This is a high risk. Likely to get pregnant and sexually transmitted infections.

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