My Native Plate

Do you eat dinner with your family? Girls who eat a meal with their families 7 or more times per week usually eat healthier. If you eat dinner with your family, there is a good chance you will eat healthier meals. It’s also a great time to catch up about your day and talk to your parents or brothers and sisters.

Here are some tips:


  • Eat breakfast within about an hour of waking up in the morning
  • If you don’t have much time or are not hungry, try having a small low-fat yogurt, a small bowl of cereal, or a small piece of fruit
  • If you are on the go, try a granola bar, peanut butter on toast, or trail mix that you can eat while rushing out the door
  • Drink water with your breakfast


  • If you are going to be out of the house all day, pack your lunch and take it with you. Bring a sandwich, fruit, vegetables, crackers and peanut butter, yogurt, cheese, or nuts
  • If you are at home, try not to snack during the day. Instead, choose a time to sit down to eat your lunch, maybe with some friends or family
  • Drink water with your lunch


  • This is a great time to connect with your family and have a peaceful meal. This can help your physical and mental health. Try to eat at least 1 meal with your family each day.
  • Dinner is a great time to get extra vegetables
  • A glass of milk with dinner can help you get extra nutrition. You can try unsweetened soymilk or lactose free milk, if they are better for your stomach.
  • Fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables
  • Make sure that grains, like bread, rice, and pasta, only fill up a small part of your plate
  • Drink water with your dinner
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