Having sex can lead to an unplanned pregnancy

A woman can get pregnant and not realize it right away. A woman is usually pregnant for 9 months (40 weeks) and the baby develops very quickly. Parts of the baby’s body are forming within the first few weeks of pregnancy. And, the woman might not even know she’s pregnant! If a woman gets pregnant without meaning to, she might not be as healthy as she could have been before getting pregnant. She might be overweight and she might have high blood sugar. Both of those things would be bad for her and the baby.

It’s a good idea to get your blood sugar checked before you decide to get pregnant. Some women have high blood sugar and don’t even know it. It is important for the health of you and your baby to make sure your blood sugar is normal before you get pregnant. If a woman has high blood sugar or diabetes before her pregnancy, it can affect the baby’s developing brain, heart, spinal cord and bones.

How to prevent an unplanned pregnancy

If you decide to have a baby in the future, it is a good idea to be as healthy as possible before you get pregnant. It is important to plan ahead. This will help you and your baby have the best chance of being healthy.

Some teenagers get pregnant without meaning to. If you decide to have sex but you are not ready for a baby, birth control can help you to not get pregnant. The family planning method you choose will depend on your health, your spiritual beliefs, and your needs. You can talk with a doctor, nurse, or someone that you trust who can help you decide what method is best for you.

If you are having sex but are not ready to get pregnant, there are many safe ways that you can avoid getting pregnant.

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