Deciding whether or not to have sex is a really big deal. You can get pregnant and not even know it. The results for you and the baby can be serious. A teenager and her baby have a bigger chance of developing problems during pregnancy.

There are so many things to think about and things that can happen. It’s important to plan ahead so that you can have a healthy pregnancy when you are ready. Remember that it is your body and your choice if you want to have sex or not. You have the right to say no, or to wait until you are ready.

Sex and Pregnancy

What is sex?

Sex means different things to different people. In this booklet, when we talk about sex, we mean when a man puts his Fpenis into a woman’s vagina. That is often called sexual intercourse or vaginal sex.

What can happen if you have sex?

As you grow older, you might start thinking about having sex. Although your body is changing into the body of an adult, there is still a lot of growth ahead of you. Having sex before you are ready can be hard for a teenager to handle. And, having sex can have other serious results. You could:

  • Get pregnant
  • Get a disease that is spread through sex
  • Get an infection in your vagina or bladder

Sex can also change your feelings about other people and yourself. If you have sex to please a partner, you may end up feeling bad about yourself. If you get pregnant before you are ready, you may:

  • Have trouble finishing high school or college
  • Have a hard time getting a good job and making enough money
  • Miss out on some of the fun things your friends are able to do

Remember that you are in charge of your body. You deserve to be treated with respect and to feel safe. You are the one who should decide if and when you are ready to have sex and become pregnant.

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