If your sex partner says…

“If you loved me, you’d have sex with me.”

Try this:

“If you really loved me, you wouldn’t pressure me.”

If your sex partner says…

“Don’t you trust me?”

Try this:

“It’s not about trust. I just don’t feel right about having sex yet.”

Respect your body.

Find joy in eating for your well-being. Discover the joy in being physically active.

Having sex is a huge decision. You may want to think about these things:

  • Why am I having sex?
  • How would I feel if I got a sexually transmitted disease (STD)?
  • What would happen if I got pregnant?
  • Am I having sex to feel good about myself?
  • Am I having sex to feel loved?

It can be hard to tell your partner that you don’t want to have sex. But you have the right to:

  • Say that you are not ready
  • Choose if and when you want to have sex, without feeling pressured
  • Tell someone to stop
  • Protect yourself from getting a disease
  • Protect yourself from getting pregnant
  • Not have sex
  • Be treated with respect and feel safe

When making a decision... think of STAR.

S = Stop (What is the decision?)
T = Think (What are the choices/risks?)
A = Act (Act on your decision)
R = Reflect (Reflect on the results)

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