Table of Contents
- What is GDM?
- What can happen to a woman during pregnancy if she is overweight?
- What can happen to the baby during pregnancy if the mother is overweight?
- What’s a healthy weight?
Part One - Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) and Prevention
Overview of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM)
- Why do women get GDM?
Who gets GDM?
How do you know if you have GDM?
- Importance of blood sugar checks
Why does pregnancy cause GDM?
- Why should I lower my chances of getting GDM?
- How does GDM affect my Future Pregnancies?
- How do high blood sugars affect pregnancy?
How does GDM affect pregnancy?
- High blood sugar effects on baby
- High blood sugar effects on mother
How can I decrease my chances of getting GDM?
- Planning pregnancies
- Blood sugar checks
- Healthy weight
- How would planning my future pregnancies help my baby and me?
Prevention of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM)
How to decrease my chances of getting GDM
- Have a healthy weight
Healthy eating
- Rethinking your drink
- Healthy Native plate
- Eating right amounts
- Cutting back on junk food/fast food
- Cooking tips
- Balance
- Meal suggestions
- Food journals
Physical activity
- Physical activity goals
- What counts as physical activity
- Confidence about being healthy
Who can help me decrease my chances of getting GDM?
Talking with your mom or an adult you trust
Talking with a doctor or nurse
Part Two - Taking Care of your Body: Balancing Mind, Body, Spirit
Healthy Body and Healthy Pregnancy
Changing body
What is puberty?
- Changes on inside/outside
- Starting periods
- Living with your hormones
- Boys go through it, too
Sex and Pregnancy?
Sex definition
What can happen
- Unplanned pregnancy
- Prevention of unplanned pregnancy
- Family Planning
How do women get pregnant?
- Sex/fertilization
- Development of baby
Why should I plan my future pregnancies?
- Importance of blood sugar
Overweight and Pregnancy
- High blood pressure
Risks of complications
- Problems for the woman
- Problems for the baby
Pre-pregnancy advice and planning a pregnancy
- It’s never too early to learn about pregnancy
Preventing GDM by planning a pregnancy
- Things to do to stay healthy during pregnancy
- Becoming confident about your future
Take the first step
- Talking with partner
- Goals to make for the future
- Glossary – Defining Terms Used in This Booklet
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